To use the percentage increase calculator, follow these steps:
Step 1: Enter the numbers in Input fields.
Step 2: Click the “calculate” button to find the percentage change.
Step 3: The result, showing the percentage increase or decrease, will appear in the result field.
The percentage increase measures how much a value has improved compared to its base value. It is commonly used to compare growth in population, income, sales, and investments. For example, if a product's price rises from $50 to $65, the increase is $15. As a percentage, this is a 30% increase.
The general formula to calculate the percentage increase from an initial value to a final value is:
Percentage increase is commonly used in a many real-life situations, such as:
Price changes: Increase in prices of particular item.
Income growth: Increase in salaries or Basic.
Business performance: Increase in revenue, sales, or profits.
Population growth: Growth of the population in a city, state, or country.
Finance: Tracking of increase stock prices