
dBm to Watts and Watts to dBm Calculator

Result will appear here

Last updated: Dec 6, 2024

What is dBm to Watts conversion calculator?

dBm to Watts conversion calculator converts the power value in dBm to Watss dBm value. Watt (W) is a SI unit for measuring the power, and dBm stands for decibel-milliwatts, which is a decibel unit for measuring the power.

How to calculate power (in dBm) for the given watts?

The following formula is used to determine the power value (in dBm unit) for a given power level in Watt (W).

dBm to Watts: P(W)=10P(dBm)3010P(W) = 10^{\frac{P(dBm) - 30}{10}}

dBm means decibel-milliwatts. It is a unit that measures signal strength or power level using a logarithmic scale based on 1 milliwatt. For example, 0 dBm equals 1 milliwatt. dBm is useful in fields like radio, microwave, audio, and fiber-optic communications to assess signal strength. which can express both very large and very small values in a short form.
A 3dB increase in level is approximately equivalent to doubling the power. for example In radio comminication 43dBm equivalent to 20W and 46dBm equivalent to 40W.

Signals with a power level below 1 mW have negative dBm values, while signals stronger than 1 mW have positive dBm values.

The advantage of using dBm for signal strength is that it lets us represent both large and small power values with fewer numbers. For example, 5 mW is 7 dBm, and 100 kW is 80 dBm. Moreover, the decibel scale simplifies calculations, changing multiplication and division into addition and subtraction.

Convert dBm to Watt formula with example and most usefull values, for Example 1W in dBm is 33dBm, representing the output power of mobile phones.

Convert dBm to Watt formula with example and most usefull values

dBm to Watt Conversion Table

-30 dBm0.000001 WLow power
-29 dBm0.000001 WLow power
-28 dBm0.000002 WLow power
-27 dBm0.000002 WLow power
-26 dBm0.000003 WLow power
-25 dBm0.000003 WLow power
-24 dBm0.000004 WLow power
-23 dBm0.000005 WLow power
-22 dBm0.000006 WLow power
-21 dBm0.000008 WLow power
-20 dBm0.000010 WLow power
-19 dBm0.000013 WLow power
-18 dBm0.000016 WLow power
-17 dBm0.000020 WLow power
-16 dBm0.000025 WLow power
-15 dBm0.000032 WLow power
-14 dBm0.000040 WLow power
-13 dBm0.000050 WLow power
-12 dBm0.000063 WLow power
-11 dBm0.000079 WLow power
-10 dBm0.000100 WLow power
-9 dBm0.000126 WLow power
-8 dBm0.000158 WLow power
-7 dBm0.000200 WLow power
-6 dBm0.000251 WLow power
-5 dBm0.000316 WLow power
-4 dBm0.000398 WLow power
-3 dBm0.000501 WLow power
-2 dBm0.000631 WLow power
-1 dBm0.000794 WLow power
0 dBm0.001000 WMedium power
1 dBm0.001259 WMedium power
2 dBm0.001585 WMedium power
3 dBm0.001995 WMedium power
4 dBm0.002512 WMedium power
5 dBm0.003162 WMedium power
6 dBm0.003981 WMedium power
7 dBm0.005012 WMedium power
8 dBm0.006310 WMedium power
9 dBm0.007943 WMedium power
10 dBm0.010000 WMedium power
11 dBm0.012589 WMedium power
12 dBm0.015849 WMedium power
13 dBm0.019953 WMedium power
14 dBm0.025119 WMedium power
15 dBm0.031623 WMedium power
16 dBm0.039811 WMedium power
17 dBm0.050119 WMedium power
18 dBm0.063096 WMedium power
19 dBm0.079433 WMedium power
20 dBm0.100000 WMedium power
21 dBm0.125893 WMedium power
22 dBm0.158489 WMedium power
23 dBm0.199526 WMedium power
24 dBm0.251189 WMedium power
25 dBm0.316228 WMedium power
26 dBm0.398107 WMedium power
27 dBm0.501187 WMedium power
28 dBm0.630957 WMedium power
29 dBm0.794328 WMedium power
30 dBm1.000000 WMedium power
31 dBm1.258925 WMedium power
32 dBm1.584893 WMedium power
33 dBm1.995262 WMedium power
34 dBm2.511886 WMedium power
35 dBm3.162278 WMedium power
36 dBm3.981072 WMedium power
37 dBm5.011872 WMedium power
38 dBm6.309573 WMedium power
39 dBm7.943282 WMedium power
40 dBm10.000000 WMedium power
41 dBm12.589254 WMedium power
42 dBm15.848932 WMedium power
43 dBm19.952623 WMedium power
44 dBm25.118864 WMedium power
45 dBm31.622777 WMedium power
46 dBm39.810717 WMedium power
47 dBm50.118723 WMedium power
48 dBm63.095734 WMedium power
49 dBm79.432823 WMedium power
50 dBm100.000000 WMedium power
51 dBm125.892541 WMedium power
52 dBm158.489319 WMedium power
53 dBm199.526231 WMedium power
54 dBm251.188643 WMedium power
55 dBm316.227766 WMedium power
56 dBm398.107171 WMedium power
57 dBm501.187234 WMedium power
58 dBm630.957344 WMedium power
59 dBm794.328235 WMedium power
60 dBm1000.000000 WMedium power
61 dBm1258.925412 WHigh power
62 dBm1584.893192 WHigh power
63 dBm1995.262315 WHigh power
64 dBm2511.886432 WHigh power
65 dBm3162.277660 WHigh power
66 dBm3981.071706 WHigh power
67 dBm5011.872336 WHigh power
68 dBm6309.573445 WHigh power
69 dBm7943.282347 WHigh power
70 dBm10000.000000 WHigh power
71 dBm12589.254118 WHigh power
72 dBm15848.931925 WHigh power
73 dBm19952.623150 WHigh power
74 dBm25118.864315 WHigh power
75 dBm31622.776602 WHigh power
76 dBm39810.717055 WHigh power
77 dBm50118.723363 WHigh power
78 dBm63095.734448 WHigh power
79 dBm79432.823472 WHigh power
80 dBm100000.000000 WHigh power
81 dBm125892.541179 WHigh power
82 dBm158489.319246 WHigh power
83 dBm199526.231497 WHigh power
84 dBm251188.643151 WHigh power
85 dBm316227.766017 WHigh power
86 dBm398107.170553 WHigh power
87 dBm501187.233627 WHigh power
88 dBm630957.344480 WHigh power
89 dBm794328.234724 WHigh power
90 dBm1000000.000000 WHigh power